Maximising the Benefits of Seasonal Workers

Productive - Reliable - Ethical - Workforce

Many businesses experience a high turnover of staff eg. backpackers, and then have to spend valuable time, energy and money to constantly train new workers. Peak seasons are also a challenge for growers when extra workers are required.

  • Availability of health-conscious and competent staff.
  • Yearly return of pre-trained individuals.
  • Workforce with a positive and eager attitude.
  • Dependable and honourable work principles.
  • Enhanced work efficiency.
  • Remarkably low instances of absenteeism.
  • Assured staff presence daily.

Figures canvassed anecdotally from grower and AE interviews indicated that for the cost of 10 seasonal workers, growers could employ 12 or 13 workers locally. AEs argued however that less downtime, no replacement/worker turnover recruitment and training costs and significant productivity gains from seasonal workers, were worth more than two extra workers. Low turnover and low absenteeism rates for seasonal workers further support this.